Frequently Asked Questions

1) How can i pay for my order? 

             To place your slab or Metal Slab Rack order, please contact us, so we can help you better to solve your concerns, and take care of you personaly. If you want to take a look on our Wood and Metal Brackets, please reach out our website:, or just access our products in our catalog page.


2) When Will My Purchase be shipped?

              The shipping may vary depending on the product you bought. Please, if you have any concern contact us on: / (407) 770-7245 or / (407) 470-9511. We'll be more than happy to solve your concerns.


3) If ordered item not in stock?

               Our items can sell out within hours and we may not be able to restock them for now. However, if there is a particular item that you are interested in, please email us at, or contact us by phone, with a list of items so that you can be properly attended to have your concerns resolved as quickly as possible.


4) What days are you guys open?

                 We works Monday to Friday for delivery. But the orders will still be received Any Time, 24/7.


5) Where are we located?

                 We are located in Orlando, Fl.

6) Why Choose Our Quartz Slabs?